Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day Twenty One: Meat My Husband--Grilled Beef Skewers

My husband is from Montana.

Montana is the land of cowboys, cattle and Big Sky country.  He grew up eating meat and potatoes:  a lot of beef (mostly overcooked), and a lot of potatoes, cooked every way imaginable.

His Montana family is also big on "salads", but nary a leaf will be found on their tables.  True story:  I have visited for a whole week without being served anything green.  Until then, I had never before craved a salad.

If it were up to my sweet husband, he would eat a steak with a twice-baked potato every night.  And a cold beer.

He doesn't get his way much.

But today, just for him, I made Martha's Grilled Beef Skewers with Zucchini and Mint.

These are ridiculously easy, and even healthy.  (Shhhhh. He doesn't know.)

I think Martha was on to something with this recipe, and my hubby confirmed it:  the meat is cut pretty small, so it cooks quickly.  That way your veggies don't have to be rushed to the burn-unit by the time the meat is cooked.

I served it with arugula and brown rice.  Look at all that green!  Zucchini!  Mint!  Scallions!  Arugula!  

My husband wasn't sure if he should eat it or mow it.

But he did love it.

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