Friday, March 30, 2012

Day Twenty-Four: Bob and Weave: Woven Ribbon Wrap

I had breakfast this morning with my adorable friend Christine, who is blessing the general pool with her gorgeous genes by having her first child.  Such jubilation requires a suitably adorable gift and an equally charming presentation.  The gift is easy, but what sort of presentation?

I'm trying to give up using gift bags because I have a suspicion that gift bags are like fruitcake:  there are really only a limited number of gift bags and those are used over and over.  I love the concept of these Wine bags that take pride in being re-gifted.  Maybe I'll start doing that with regular gift bags too.  Until then, I've made a commitment: no more fruitcake gift bags.

So I wrapped these baby gifts, but needed Martha to jazz it up.  Her Woven Ribbon Wrap is super cute, and allowed me to attach the two boxes together.

Gifts and ribbon:

 Wrapped in one level of ribbon:
 Second level:
 ...and again...


Christine will have to unleash her inner Houdini to reach the gifts inside, but at least it looks cute.

1 comment:

  1. "I have a suspicion that gift bags are like fruitcake:  there are really only a limited number of gift bags and those are used over and over." BRILLIANT!! Hahaha
