Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day One: French Onion Soup

My husband and our friend Ed make a ridiculous bet every year on the outcome of various college football bowl games.  The bet is a homemade dinner:  winner brings steaks, loser provides plenty of fancy wine.  Somehow, years ago, after many glasses of wine*, these gentlemen convinced me that I should provide the remainder of the meal. (Or maybe in a weak moment, I volunteered, I forget...But I digress...)

This year I'm choosing Martha's French Onion Soup for the soup course mainly because Martha says I can make it ahead and keep it in the refrigerator a few days before serving.  Sounds like a winner to me.

This also includes a link to homemade beef stock, which I did not make.  The recipe started with an instruction to "have your butcher cut veal bones into small pieces for you." Now I'm willing to do a lot of things, but any recipe that involves third-party assistance isn't for me.

This recipe is the best French Onion soup recipe I've tried.  Of course, a recipe that starts with caramelizing onions is surpassed only by anything stuffed with cheese or wrapped with bacon.

*After a while, you will begin to see a theme here.

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