Tuesday, March 6, 2012

And so it began....

I am a mom.

I have four children:  a four-month-old, a two-year-old, a five-year-old, and a thirty-five-year-old. (That oldest child is known to our friends as my husband.)

I am delighted at being a mother, although I find being a full-time taxi/nurse/cook often interferes with my true calling of exuding awesomeness 24/7, not to mention my real job as an interior designer.  Truth be told, I am a perfectionist.  A closet perfectionist, really.  I don't like to admit to people that an enjoyable day would be to organize my clothes by color, or get cozy with my label maker and label everything in sight.  I will slave for hours on a centerpiece that no one but myself will see or appreciate. If you came to my house and admired said centerpiece, I will lie and tell you I threw it together at a moment's notice. 

Instead of neurotic, I like to think of myself as a student. A student of perfection.  I'm learning how to be better. At everything.  Every day.  I know complete perfection is unattainable in this life, but I shall strive to improve my life and home nevertheless. Perfect the domestic arts. 

And who, dear friends, is a better teacher of the domestic arts than Martha Stewart?  She is a veritable Professor of Baking, a Personal Tutor of Cooking, a Master of Homekeeping, she is a....ah, well you get the point. So, for the next 365 days, I am going to complete one "Martha" task a day.  It may be a recipe, a craft or a party.  Tears may be shed.  Hilarity may ensue.  My husband may want to divorce me. But above all, I shall learn from my mistakes.  As it is said: "err, err, and err again....but less and less and less." 

And so it begins....

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