Monday, March 12, 2012

Day Six: Napkin Storage for Neurotics!

I recently moved this chest into my entryway, which is just outside of my dining room.

Since I have limited storage in my dining room, my table linens are now stored in another room...and on another floor.  Call me weird:  I'm itching to move my table linens into these new digs.

When storing napkins, Martha instructs us to keep sets of napkins together (natch).  She also suggests that you store them in acid-free tissue to prevent yellowing, and to wrap these bundles of napkins like the baby Jesus on Christmas.  Whaaaat?!?!

Oh, yes.  It is not enough that your napkins be organized to within an inch of their lives, they must also be wrapped in swaddling clothes, or as Martha suggests "simply wrap a sleeve of tissue around the stack and secure the bundle".

I'm a mother of a newborn.  I soooo have this covered.

My little babies waiting to be swaddled:

Wrapped and labeled:

Cozy in their new home with all their swaddled friends:

Besides having a ridiculously organized napkin drawer, the added bonus of this chore was that I was able to use my label maker.  :high five:

Don't be surprised if you come over and I oh-so-casually retrieve the napkins.  It's an excuse for you to check out these babies.

After all, babies are meant to be admired.

1 comment:

  1. This one is nutty, and I love it. I envy your organizational skills...secretly, I love to be super organized too, but I lack the patience to do it...catch 22, I'd say. However, if you need a list made, I'm the queen of lists. I could make lists all day.
