Friday, November 2, 2012

Day Two Hundred Forty: Chocolate Burn-Your-Thumbprints-Off Cookies

My son's birthday is Saturday and today we had a little celebration with his class. He wanted to serve cookies, so on Thursday we made Martha's Chocolate Thumbprints.  These were super to make with kids since they can help roll the cookies into small balls.  It's like playing with edible play-doh.  Just make sure nobody sneaks off with a handful of dough.  It will stick in your rugs.  Trust me.

Once the cookies are formed and cook for a few minutes, take them out of the oven and stick your thumb into the cookie to make the indentation.  I had never made these before so I was a little surprised when I nearly burned my thumb right off following these directions.  Seriously.  My kids were watching the process and when I was done asked me:  "Mom, what does 'Son-of-a-bunny' mean?  Who's bunny?"

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