Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty: Berries, Part Deux: Vacherin Dessert

Happy Independence Day!

With the virtual berry cornucopia, I decided to try Martha's Vacherin with Whipped Cream and Berries.   I settled on this dessert having no earthly idea what in the heck a vacherin is.  After a quick internet search, I discovered that a vacherin is a dessert consisting of a meringue shell filled with whipped cream, ice cream or fruit.  Martha's version consists of two layers of meringue with a whipped cream center and topped with red and blue berries.

This meringue takes about five hours to make.  You read that correctly.  Five.  Hours.  But you only have to work for about thirty minutes.  The vacherin is in the oven the rest of the time.  It's worth it.  This was a ridiculously festive (not to mention yummy) dessert.

Just take a look.


  1. YES! I've made this as a fruit pizza - amaaaaazing. :could eat my body weight in meringue:

  2. Seriously, one of my fave, fave, faves! I must have some NOW!

  3. Adding this to the menu for the next girls' night!
