Monday, July 23, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty Six: Ice Cream Snobbery

I don't like to call people names but there is no two ways about it:

My husband is an ice cream snob.  

He cannot abide store-bought ice cream.  Despite the fact that the name actually has "ice" in it, his ice cream cannot be icy.  It must be creamy. "Icy" and "Creamy"  ice cream are mutually exclusive.  They cannot exist in the same carton.  "Icy" ice cream is caused* when the ice cream warms and then is refrozen.  This horrid, unspeakable temperature change happens routinely in grocery freezers.  Which, apparently, is why all grocery ice cream is crap.*   

* According to the Ice Cream Snob. 

So, as a special treat for him, I made Martha's Vanilla Ice Cream.  How can you go wrong with 8 (eight!) egg yolks?  Can't be done.

(Actually, it can be done if you accidentally overcook the eggs and end up with custard, but that only happened once.  Or twice...But the timing is tricky. Could happen to anyone.)

The third-time's-a-charm vanilla ice cream turned out delicious.  My kids could not get enough of it. It was rich and creamy.  Somehow it was still too icy for the Ice Cream Snob.  He actually shrugged when I asked him how it tasted.

He was clearly spoiled as a child.  His mother has a lot to answer for.  :looking at you, Elaine:

1 comment:

  1. Has The Snob had Creamy Creations (not) ice(y) cream from HEB?? If he doesn't like it then Elaine has some serious 'splainin to do. :brainwashed in Montana:
