Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day Thirty Two: 11th Hour Cocktail Sauce

Today we took our mountain visitors to the beach.  We spent all day playing hard and exploring, then returned home late.  The kids turned various shades of pink (Mother of the Year Award, right here!) and fell asleep exhausted.  My Martha project seemed doomed for failure as I didn't have the energy or ingredients to make anything.  Luckily, earlier in the day, my sweet brother bought me some fresh oysters.  If you like to enjoy your oysters raw (as I do) you must eat them very fresh...and they should be eaten with....:Lightbulb:...cocktail sauce.

Martha has a yummy Cocktail sauce that I tried.  Only a few ingredients needed and it's easy to make.  The day was saved...

Mix it up and....
 ...add oysters...

Delicious.  And easy to make at the 11th hour...


  1. I was all YUM until I saw the last picture. Raccoon tail with cocktail sauce!!

  2. Yikes! You are right. :removes picture:
