Monday, April 9, 2012

Day Thirty Four: Devil Your Eggs

If you are like me, every Monday after Easter you have approximately four hundred boiled eggs in your refrigerator.  They are dyed every color of the rainbow.  These eggs will mate every night until you open the refrigerator door and they tumble out in a poultry tidal wave.

Before your boiled eggs have a chance to multiply out of control, make Martha's Deviled Eggs.  My brother-in-law Rod thought these were the best deviled eggs he'd ever had...until I revealed that the recipe included butter. He still really liked the recipe, but I had to listen to lots of jokes about clogged arteries and heart attacks.

Egg yolks ready for mixing:

Notice the two tablespoons of butter there on the left...

Mixed filling with (hidden) butter...

Completed eggs deviled up with the undercover butter:

Thankfully, the eggs were all eaten and my in-laws are still talking to me (despite the undercover butter).


  1. Aw snap, I love devilish eggs! Had planned on making tuna salad with the reproducing hard-boiled eggs, but that doesn't require butter. Done & done!

  2. Butter, there is a secret ingredient I will have to try. I have my own secret for deviled eggs. I can't tell you because it's a secret. Oh what the heck, just between you and's cream cheese.

  3. For crying out loud, rodney - they are eggs, they have cholesterol built right in! What's a little butter going to do...? I will have to try these, I love a good deviled egg but I've never made one!
