Friday, November 30, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixty-Three: Acorn Squash Flop

While we were out of town for Thanksgiving, we celebrated my husband's birthday.  His idea of celebration was to grill steaks on the b-b-q for a dozen people in sub-zero weather.

I know.  I tell him he's weird all the time.

As part of the dinner, I made Martha's Roasted Acorn Squash Pasta with Kale and Almonds.  Since we had such a big group, I tripled it.  It turned out pretty tasty.  I've never cooked acorn squash or kale so it was a new experience.  I had to wrestle a large bush of kale, but I eventually got it all in the pot.

It squash part did not go well.

The recipe didn't call for you to peel the squash, but after it was roasted the skin was rather chewy and some pieces were straight-up hard.  My poor, sweet mother-in-law was actually nibbling the roasted squash off the skin.  I'm probably lucky she didn't lose a tooth. 

I'm pretty sure causing dental damage is not Good Thing.

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