Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day One Hundred Fifty Three: Dispensation Butterscotch Blondies

I have a dear, adorable girlfriend who recently loaned me a book about How To Raise Kids and Not Throw Yourself From A High Building.*  It was a helpful read and I'm glad she loaned it to me.  The thing is, I sort of kept it for a long time.  Like much, much longer than I should have, considering it was a really short book.  (Sorry, M!)  So, upon returning the book, I decided to make her Martha's Butterscotch Blondies as an apology gift.  (It would be cuter if she were actually a blonde, but she's a brunette.) 
*Not actual title

No matter the color of her hair, I had never heard of "Blondies" before.  I guess they are named such because they are non-brown brownies. I'm sure there is racial/ethnic/sexist slur in there somewhere, but I'm really much too apathetic to worry about it.   

Beware: the recipe calls for you to cook these for 45 minutes.  That is about forty minutes too long.  If you cook them for 45 minutes, they will be like a blonde pet rock.  Cook them for about twenty minutes and they will turn out like so: 

Crispy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside.

Dispensation granted.

1 comment:

  1. MRS - The Blondies were delish. I managed to wrestle one from the grips of my sweet hubby after he had his third. I am willing to loan you nearly anything if I can get another batch of these or some equally wonderful "Martha" treat. Love, MPS
