Monday, June 18, 2012

Day One Hundred Three: Plan B Watermelon Punch

I am officially on vacation.

But this blog is not on vacation, so I'm carving out a few hours away from the beach to be with you...

I had great plans to make Rose Sangria today, but the nearest grocery did not have white cranberry juice, and the liquor store had never heard of Framboise.  I did buy a watermelon, however, and so I had to go with Plan B:  Martha's watermelon punch and bowl.


Cut watermelon:

Slice off a small portion to create a flat bottom.

Scoop out watermelon...

....and puree in your nearest blender:

Strain the solids:

Add some seltzer and you have....
...the juice of a watermelon, aka Watermelon Punch.  It's refreshing but must be served chilled....otherwise it's not all that appealing.  I thought the kids would lap this up after a day at the beach...but they didn't really love it.  I'll be drinking this later in the week, improved with some tequila or possibly rum...

p.s.  Thanks, A, for the impeccably stocked kitchen.  I just may use all the amenities by the end of the week!

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