Which it did last night.
By code, homes in my city should have a smoke detector in each bedroom and one on each floor. This adds up to a lot of smoke detectors. Martha says you should change these batteries twice a year or whenever it begins to chirp. (Reminder!) MS Homekeeping Handbook, p. 653. I guess that's my cue.
This morning, I pulled out the ladder, crawled up and tried to open the smoke detector. Having never attempted this before, I only managed to pull the whole thing down from the ceiling. Luckily, it was still attached by the electrical wires and (all) I had to do was attach it back to the ceiling with a twist-and-lock mechanism. You are probably familiar with these sorts of gadgets. Clever little things.
The problem with these
And then it chirped at me. (Reminder!)
Me: Yes, I know, Mr. Smoke Detector. I haven't actually changed the battery yet. Thanks so-stinking-much for the reminder.
Smoke Detector: :Chirp:
Ah. I see. There is a little battery drawer. I've never heard of a battery drawer before, but here is what it looks like, in case you were wondering:
New installed battery:
Once I had put away the ladder and had begun feeling rather proud and clever, another smoke detector began to chirp. (Reminder!)
Is it just me, or are these things mocking me?
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